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Dance Lessons & Exams
BTDA registered dance school in Folkestone
  • Child Protection Policy

  1. Introduction

The purpose of the child protection policy is to ensure that every child that attends our dance school is safe and protected from harm. All staff have a responsibility to ensure that children have a safe environment to dance in. All staff have a responsibility to ensure any allegations of abuse are reported to the appropriate authorities. Studio Six works with the KCC when required to report safeguarding incidences. Where children are at significant risk staff have a duty of care to take immediate action.

Studio Six possesses public liability insurance for the protection of staff and students. All teachers are registered with the BTDA a member of CDET

  1. Staff Training

All Studio Six teachers and adult support staff are fully DBS cleared to work with children and have received training in the recognition of abuse/neglect. All Studio Six teachers are first aid trained and regularly attend first aid booster courses.

  1. Disclosure/concern

If a employee of Studio Six has a safeguarding concern then they have a legal responsibility to report it to the Local authority.

Louise Graham is the DSL for Studio Six and any concerns can be reported to her.

If a student makes a disclosure to a Studio Six responsible adult, then we must follow the procedure below.

  • Ensure students know that the disclosure cannot be kept confidential
  • Listen without interrupting to what the child has to say and allow them to go at own pace
  • Never ask leading questions
  • Reassure the child that they have been heard and believed and praised for doing the right thing
  • Report to the Local Authority if necessary online or by phone 0300411111


  1. Student records

All students regardless of age must have a completed registration form on file that is renewed annually and signed by parent/guardian if under 18. You will be required to additionally complete a ‘fitness to perform’ form in preparation for public performances (where requested). This is part of government legislation and all performing students’ names ages and Schools must be provided to KCC by your class teacher. All other personal student records are kept by Studio Six and destroyed after students leave. This information will not be shared with anyone outside of Studio Six unless there is a serious child protection concern. Please note that contact phone numbers may be saved on Studio Six teachers mobile telephones for ease of contact.

  1. Adults in the Dance class

Studio Six has a legal responsibility to ensure the duty of care of all students. All adults in the dance class are DBS cleared to work with Children and vulnerable adults. With this in mind Studio Six adopts a strict no parents in class policy. Parents should not be offended that they are not admitted into the class while in session. This is to ensure the protection and safety of all of our students. 1st time students’ parents/guardians may be permitted to observe for 5 minutes at the class teachers discretion. Students should be happy to join in the class without parents present. Please be aware there are Student teachers that support in some of our younger dance classes

  1. Exams and Shows

All Parents/guardians are permitted to watch their child perform when they take a medals exam. With several exams in the same session, by entering your child into these exams or taking part in our annual show you agree that

  • People not known to you/your child will be observing the performances
  • You will behave in an appropriate manner to promote safety and respect
  • You consent to pictures/filming of your child by Studio Six and its affiliates
  • You consent to possibility of appearing in the local newspaper and on social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter)
  • You agree to your child being chaperoned by a licensed chaperone if backstage and support the chaperone regarding reports of poor behaviour
  1. Parental Concerns

Any concern should be addressed in the first instance with the class teacher. If not resolvable through class teacher please direct the discussion to another of Studio Six’s teachers or our DSL Louise Graham